Posts tagged christian growth
3 Tips to Stop Numbing and Start Living In The Present

Post pandemic, I could no longer ignore my tendency to numb and keep moving. Here’s how I got back into my skin and fought off years of a disconnected lifestyle. By Karla Hardin, MS LPC-S

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How to Improve All of Your Relationships With Just 3 Questions

“When we exercise curiosity, we open ourselves up to growth, connection, and the opportunity for catalytic and lasting change.” By Audrey Hardin, MS LPC

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Are You Curious Enough?

“When we exercise curiosity, we open ourselves up to growth, connection, and the opportunity for catalytic and lasting change.” By Audrey Hardin, MS LPC

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3 Ways to Spice Up Your Food and Fitness

Feeling the summer blues? Try these tips! By Rebekah Loper CNC, CPT, CNHP

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The Spiritual Discipline of Having Fun

What does it look like to have fun in your walk with God? By Clay Wyatt, Student Pastor, M.Div.

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Reflect Before You Goal-Set for the New Year

“We must look back before we can improve our future.” By Philip K. Hardin, MA, MDiv, LMFT, LPC

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Ownership: Are You Taking Responsibility For Your Life?

“It is impossible to fix a problem you can’t admit you have.” By Philip K. Hardin, MA, MDiv, LMFT, LPC

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Reflect Before you Goal-Set in the New Year

“We must look back before we can improve our future.” By Philip K. Hardin, MA, MDiv, LMFT, LPC

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Let's Talk Politics! ...With Our Prefrontal Cortex

“When a person is in ‘survival mode’, they cannot logically reason.” By Karla Hardin, MS LPC

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How to Shift Perspectives: Surviving to Thriving

“Unless we live four-dimensionally, we miss out on exuberant joy and fulfillment…we survive instead of thrive!” By Karla Hardin, MS LPC

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Pandemic Reveals: Are You Emotionally Healthy?

“Prolonged discomfort can reveal what’s inside of us. Consider how emotionally healthy you are and how to grow!” By Audrey Hardin, MS LPC

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Do You Have Enough “Sticky Stuff” In Your Life?

“Don’t settle for a life without meaningful relationships as it is no life at all!” By Karla Hardin, MS LPC

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Is It Possible to Find My Way Back to ME?

“COVID-19 exposed my tendency to numb and keep moving. Here’s how I got back into my skin and fought off years of a disconnected lifestyle.” By Karla Hardin, MS LPC

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How Can We SEE Our Blind Spots?

“Why does it often take a collision or an ‘almost-accident’ to wake us up to examine our driving patterns and remind us to be more intentional about checking our blind spots? The same goes for our relational blind spots…” By Audrey Hasrdin, MS LPC

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How to Dismantle the Power of Fear in Your Life

“Anxiety has become a popular word in our culture, but it is really our fear talking.”

By Abigail Cole Hardin, CLC; PNLP

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"What Not to Wear" -The Reality Show That Teaches The Secret to Finding Your BEST LIFE

“It’s hard to live your best life when you are out of touch with reality and you aren’t honest with yourself.” By Karla Hardin, MS LPC

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Are you a Lion, Bull, Chameleon or Turtle? How understanding 4 Animal Metaphors Can Change Your Life and Relationship

“Changing the way you think about you will inevitably change the way you live and love those around you.” By Philip K. Hardin, M.A., M. Div., LMFT, LPC

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