Posts tagged how to move forward
UNEQUALLY YOKED: How to Maintain Relationships When You are in Different Places in Life

“Consider these three steps to maintain relationship when you’re in different places.” By Karla Hardin, M.S. LPC

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How to Dismantle the Power of Fear in Your Life

“Anxiety has become a popular word in our culture, but it is really our fear talking.”

By Abigail Cole Hardin, CLC; PNLP

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UNEQUALLY YOKED: How to Maintain Relationships When You are in Different Places in Life

“The older I get, I realize that many of us are constantly trying to navigate new relationship realities we didn’t choose.” By Karla Hardin, M.S. LPC

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What’s the Difference between a Life Coach and a Counselor?

“It’s impossible to be objective when it comes to evaluating yourself.” -Abigail Hardin, CLC, PNLP

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