Holistic Tips to Thrive in Quarantine
“We can choose how we respond to the virus -hear from 4 therapists on what they’re doing!”
By The Hardin Family
By Philip K. Hardin, Karla Hardin, Audrey Hardin, and Abigail Hardin
With our daily challenge of facing the unknowns of COVID-19, we need to consider how we prepare. Prepare for a marathon not a sprint.
In order to make it to the finish line, we need a holistic strategy to be sure we don’t wear down over time.
HOLISTIC considers our WHOLE self. We are physical, emotional, social and spiritual people. Every person has these four components of who they are whether they attune themselves to each dimension of their lives or not.
In order to thrive during stressful times, we believe those who have a plan of supporting and growing in every dimension of their lives will come out on the other side as a better person.
Romans 5:3-4 says,
“knowing that suffering produces endurance, endurance produces character, and character produces hope.”
A thriving person certainly exhibits endurance, character, and hope!
So, all of us want to give you our personal examples of how we are consciously supporting all aspects of who we are.
If you just simply adopt the “mindset” of caring for ALL parts of who you are, we believe you can thrive vs. survive these uncertain times.
Karla’s 4 Circle Tips in Quarantine:
1. PHYSICAL: Don’t Forget Nutrition!
It is tempting to let this area slide during high stress, but if your body is weakened by poor nutrition –all areas will go down! So, REDUCE SUGAR as it lowers your immune system by 40% after eating.
ADD foods that support your mood! For example, SWEET POTATOES reduce Anxiety! Find our recipes for sweet potato soup and brownies under Resources page on our website. Also, for other Food/Mood recipes get Dr. Leslie Korn’s “Eat Right, Feel Right” Cookbook.
2. EMOTIONAL: Consciously Stay Grounded.
Staying “grounded” or “centered” helps manage our emotions. Some of my favorite ways to stay grounded are: Go outside and walk barefoot for 20 minutes (great for kids), pet/play with animals, and listen to comforting music and sing along –great as a family!
3. SOCIAL: Do Art Projects Together.
My favorite that is fun for all ages is Magazine Art! Get a bunch of old magazines, glue sticks, scissors and construction paper and give an assignment like, “Things that make me happy”, “What I want to be known for”, “Where I want to be in a year” and “What I love about my family & wish we had more of”. Then cut out pictures or words and after finishing, everyone tells about their picture.
4. SPIRITUAL: Learn More About God.
When life feels unsafe and out of control, I need to know that God is greater than this world and the unknown.
One of the best ways to learn about God is to discover His attributes by His many names in the Bible. For example, He is called Jehovah-Jireh – which means ‘My God will provide’. When our economy is suffering, it’s comforting to know He will provide! A great devotional for the whole family is: 100 Names of God Daily Devotional.
Phil’s 4 Circle Tips in Quarantine:
1. PHYSICAL: Do a 3-day Cleanse Fast.
I have just completed a 3-day juice fast to cleanse my body of toxins and inflammation. I feel better, sleep better, and have better focus. I am also committed to exercise daily. These days have given me greater opportunity to be my best physical self!
2. EMOTIONAL: Be assertive – take charge of your life.
I am resolved to embrace that I am NOT powerless, nor am I personally out of control during these unreliable days. I am able to take charge of my life by making good choices and practicing disciplines that bring peace and comfort to my heart. I will not be victimized by fear of things becoming worse.
3. SOCIAL: Give & Receive love.
I believe the love for and from my family is most significant during these ever-changing days. We are walking through this crisis as a Family Unit! We are eating together, sitting on the front porch processing the day, and actively encouraging one another in our personal goals. Love is a powerful antidote for fear.
4. SPIRITUAL: Listen & Journal to hear from God.
I believe there is meaning and purpose in my life and especially NOW. God is in this! Somehow God will work good through this health scare. I am using this time to assess my life goals. I am Listening & Journaling to stay in tune with what God wants to do in me and through me to help others.
Abigail’s 4 Circle Tips in QuarantinE
1. PHYSICAL: Walk Outside for at Least 10 Minutes!
It doesn’t matter if you’re in your pajamas strolling back and forth in the driveway—get fresh air. Plus, a 10-minute walk shows improvement in the brain with better cognitive function than with those who are sedentary.
2. EMOTIONAL: Breathe by Doing the BREATH BOX Technique.
On our Instagram+ Facebook @hardinliferesources, I demonstrate how this is done. I share this in the emotional circle because it is so important to physically calm the nervous system to get you to be more objective and less reactive. With this diaphragm-based breathing technique, you will be able to make more reasonable and intentional decisions in your quarantine!
3. SOCIAL: Solve problems by doing a PUZZLE with someone!
I have loved putting together a puzzle in quarantine because my brain could focus on a fun way to “solve problems”. Also, I found this to be more enjoyable than looking at a screen whether it’s my phone, laptop, or TV! When done with another, it’s a fun activity to share, laugh and “bond” with in quarantine!
4. SPIRITUAL: Hopeful Self Journal!
Do this ALWAYS! Not just in quarantine! But this is a NECESSITY in quarantine because I have got to “SET my mind on the things above and not the things here on earth” (Colossians 3:2). I created this faith-based resource and wrote many blogs on its power. Make sure you really emphasize scripture and what is true—and also what you are grateful for. Click here to get started.
Audrey’s 4 Circle Tips in QuarantinE
1. PHYSICAL: Dance!
I found myself dancing in the grocery store shopping for my family and it instantly changed my mood. Try some new steps or repeat familiar ones. You’ll be moving and grooving your body, enhancing your mood and maybe even generating some laughter!
2. EMOTIONAL: Tune into your FEELINGS -especially your fears and motivations.
Get honest about where you are personally through self-reflection. Don’t stuff your feelings or project them onto others or things outside of you. Otherwise you will set yourself up for a volcano moment that is sure to blow up in your face soon.
When the feelings come up, acknowledge them, feel them, seek to understand them, and share them with someone you trust. Utilize a quick enneagram test to learn more about yourself here.
3. SOCIAL: Pick an Educational Article, Podcast, or Movie to Discuss with a Friend (or several).
After you’ve read/listened/watched it separately, schedule a time to discuss what you’ve learned or have questions about via phone or video chat.
4. SPIRITUAL: Worship.
Information flows through our brain from the right side to the left side. If we’re trying to study God’s word and nothing is sticking or our anxiety is high and we can’t concentrate, we need to stir our right brain (creative side). So, nature, music, art -all can stimulate the right brain.
Turn on some worship music or YouTube videos of your favorite worship songs and let your heart (right brain) be stirred! I’ve been meditating on a couple this week, I encourage you to listen to “Goodness of God” and “Way Maker”.
All in all,
We want you to know you CAN thrive, even in the most stressful seasons of life.
God is bigger than a worldwide virus as He can work every outcome for good (Romans:8:28) and give you peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:6-7).
Create a holistic plan and long-term strategy for thriving during this time!
You can go to our website for our free downloads that will give you specific goals and ways to accomplish them in each area to help you daily!
*Hardin Life Resources is currently offering tele-counseling sessions via HIPPA-compliant video conferencing. We encourage you to contact us for an appointment.
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